
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Stereotypes about Spain

Today, we've been talking about some stereotypes all over Spain. We were practising for the Speaking test and the teacher wrote these comments on the same topic for us to use:
"Do you agree on the following statements?
-Spain is only paella, bull-fighting and flamenco.
-People in Spain wear clothes more casually.
-Spaniards like criticizing the others so much!

As a conclusion, we could state that..."

On the other hand, since Stereotypes seem to be an adequate topic to talk about, I've asked Anna to  write a Podcast on the same issue. She's marvellous, you know, she didn't take long to post an entry on her blog. Specially addressed to all of you, dear learners. Well, just right for your ears. Please click on the word Stereotypes to get the podcast.

What do you think about this podcast? Useful, perhaps?

Wow! Time flies! I'm back here editing this old post. Today is the 14 november 2013 and I'm teaching Basic 1 and 2. We're talking about Stereotypes in class and we think they are a great topic to discuss among all of us, but, of course, just generally speaking, that is, Stereotypes. Here's the handout about Stereotypes for Basic 2, just a good task for speaking.