
Monday 18 March 2013


When you are writing or speaking in English, you often need to express frequency and the way you usually do things.

So, basically we've got several ways to say that in English.

We can add -ly to adjectives, in order to get adverbs like: general -- generally, or quick -- quickly.

On the other hand, we could use a whole sentence like: I usually celebrate my birthday (by) making a cake. The sentence in red, therefore, answers the question: 'How do you celebrate your birthday?'. So, there are various ways of expressing how we do things in English.

For more information, please feel free to watch the following presentation on adverbs, or you can even ask any questions about them, leaving a comment for this post.
Click on here to see the presentation
Order of adverbs in a sentence.

Adverbs through YouTube

Finally, let's close our grammar books and enjoy English with a bit of love, 'cos love is actually all around.

Find more videos like this on EFL CLASSROOM 2.0

Thursday 7 March 2013

Sorry, but I think I'm lost

Have you ever got lost? I'm sure you have, at least once in your lifetime.

So, here's your section to share those amusing situations, when you got lost in anywhere you went to. Please, feel free to write about your anecdotes travelling, enjoying your holidays or even finding the way back home.

In order to get some inspiration for your entertaining stories abroad, here you'll find some common and useful expressions about Directions. With them, you'll learn how to give and ask for directions, and hopefully, you'll find your way back soon.

Patricia Guerrero's power point presentation about Directions

 Still talking about our hilarious travelling anecdotes in the classroom, however, we've just realized that we do need a more elaborated task or project to practise with in class. So, we've been thinking about making up a Treasure Hunt or a Scavenger Hunt among our Basic 1&2 groups. What do you think about it?

Treasure Hunt and Directions for Basic

A Treasure Hunt for Basic (In the countryside)
Giving Directions Practice for Basic 1
Giving Directions Vocabulary for Basic 1

Giving Directions Practice for Basic 1

A Street map for Basic 1


YouTube playlist on Directions

Describing Places Power Point Presentation

Treasure Hunts through YouTube

Monday 4 March 2013

Expressing your Opinion

Yes, your opinion is really important, but can you express your opinion in English?

During this course, I've been asking my students about their impressions and opinions and sometimes, they don't have enough words or expressions to talk about their own stuff and issues. 

So, here's your special document, for you all, special and unique people, who are learning the English language. That's all for you, just because of you, the most selective and extraordinary learners of English.