
Wednesday 4 June 2014

Thank you to all my dear students

Last but not least, I would like to thank all my kind students for their continuous attention and support inside and outside the classroom through this school year.

Thank you very much indeed.

I really appreciate your learning development and everyday effort to make a better world.

Fully and truly love for languages.

For more ways of saying thank you, please feel free to click on here.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

English through movies

In today's post we're not going to talk about trailers, but 

movie trailers. 

Do you know how to learn and practise English through movies, cinema, TV, soap operas, Hollywood, Bollywood  and so on?

Well, first of all,  let's watch a trailer, so that we can decide what to see, and then have a great time watching the film! LOL

Please click on here to open the presentation above, and enjoy movies all day long!

Wednesday 5 March 2014

American English vs British English

At last, we decided to write something about a very common topic in the English classroom:

American English vs British English

However, personally I don't think there's  confrontation between the two Englishes. Nowadays it's more like Globish English, don't you think?

Well, for those who really need to make the difference between both languages, here's your American English vs British English presentation.

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Today's question is very simple: "Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Well, please tell us about you. Here's a good example:

Elena and Diego, thank you very much for your answers.

If you find this question too difficult, please  have a look at this presentation about telling the time first, and then you'll find out that speaking in English is just a question of time and dedication.

Enjoy  your English time!

Please, again, let us know: Are you an early bird or a night owl? Do you need some inspiration first? Here's an article about the same topic. Leave us a message and stay tuned!

Sunday 16 February 2014

English Contractions

English contractions aren't too difficult, but we may have some problems when we pronounce them. So, here's a good presentation about English language contractions for you. 

Helpful enough?

Sunday 19 January 2014

10 Top places to visit

What are the 10 top places to visit for you?

Ok, come on! Think about them. Before you die, they say that anyone should write a book, plant a tree, have a baby and there's more...

What would you like to do before you die?

Learn English?

Well, you may like languages a lot and that book could be written in English. Don't you think?

No matter your preferences, please let us know and leave us a comment with your 10 Top things to do before you die. Thanks for your comments.

Below you'll find some vocabulary and pictures about places and houses for you to write about those amazing places you've been to.
Please use your imagination and try to be as creative as possible.

YouTube waterfalls            Describing one's house and                                                   household items


Describing places.             Giving directions               


Bits of grammar: Comparatives and superlatives.

Speaking practice on Comparatives and Superlatives:
Classroom survey (Basic 2)

Writing practice on Comparatives and Superlatives:
Comparatives and Superlatives (spelling and adjectives) (Basic 2)

Tuesday 7 January 2014

English Punctuation

Are you familiar with Punctuation in English? 

Well, maybe you are not. 

If that's your case, here's something you could have a look at. Please, click on here for more information. Some good explanations about those little punctuation marks, which sometimes may differ a little bit from the Spanish ones. I hope you find it useful. By the way, remember that in case of doubt, you can always contact me or, simply leave a message below. 

For some humour about Punctuation, click on here.