
Friday 30 November 2012


A Riddle is acertijo or adivinanza in Spanish.

So, today's post is

 about some simple Riddles for Basic 1.

This is our first class Riddle:
        It has two wheels
        It has no motor
        It has a saddle
        What's that?

And what about yours? Do you know any Riddle? If you do, please leave a comment, telling us about your Riddles. Thank you for your contributions.

Youtube Riddles.

For more Riddles, please click on here. 


Thursday 29 November 2012

Adjectives wanted

Do you feel like you've got enough adjectives to describe anyone or anything in English?

If you don't, this can be the perfect post for you, partly because of the photo above: Adjectives wanted, and partly due to the fact that all we need is time. Yes, time to talk and assimilate so many adjectives and words.

More than anything else, we need dedication, patience and lot of hours using the language, that is, producing, writing and speaking English as longer as possible.

So, do you still think this is gonna be easy?

Practice on Adjectives for Basic 1:

Practice on Adjectives for Basic 2:

Practice on Adjectives for Intermediate 1: 

On the other hand, there's always an original way of describing oneself. Here's a good example taken from Rosa's Blog.

Saturday 24 November 2012


The Learners of English are very likely to do any kind of TEST or EXAMINATION at least once in their learning life, and thus, if you are one of those who are desperately looking for some more tests to do, this the right Blog to start with.

Basic considerations before starting any English course or test.

First of all, let's find out your exact level of English.

Test your English by the

Preliminary English TEST


Certificate in Advanced English

Certificate of Proficiency in English 


TOEFL Practice Test 

Test of English as a Foreign Language


TEST your English by Learn 4 good

Please remember to enjoy English as you go along and try to find your own way of learning English. Whether you like music, reading, movies or simply talking to people, you could always use your English naturally and fluently through everyday situations, instead of getting almost obsessed with thousands of TESTS, Exams and textbooks. Don't you think?

ENGLISH is outside there for you to enjoy!

Unless you feel like going to a foreign country with only your suitcase and a good dictionary, which is an excellent option, by the way. Actually, there won't be such a perfect TEST, rather than a long stay abroad. 

No more exams:

Quantity in English: Some, any and so on

To express Quantity in English, we need to take many things into account. 
Not only grammar, but also a bit of common sense.

General rules in English are definitely not enough. So, we'd better consider exceptions, together with some suitable grammar reference books.

Still interested in Basic Grammar, you could have a look at these two short and simple grammar e-books by  (Basic 1,Basic 2 ), but please remember that they are not complete, simply because it's Basic Level, that is, not every single grammar exception.

 Some, any, a lot of, Numbers,

Thursday 22 November 2012

Thanksgiving Day

What’s Thanksgiving day?

Well, roughly speaking, Thanksgiving is a harvest festival, when people usually spend some time altogether at home. It's also called the Turkey Day, as you can guess by the picture below.

For some YouTube videos about the Thanksgiving Day, please feel free to click on here.

 For more information, please feel free to have a look at this blog about the same topic.

Friday 16 November 2012



Prepositions together with collocations and phrasal verbs are perhaps the three most difficult issues of the English grammar, simply because they must be mostly learnt by heart. On the whole, there're no magic rules to apply and so, we'd better read, write listen and speak as much as possible, so that we can put the following exercises and clarifications into practice.

For further practice on Prepositions, please click on the links below:

Prepositional list (Intermediate and Advanced)
Preposition to (Intermediate)
Order of Prepositions (Advanced)
Prepositions for purpose: To & for (Intermediate)
Prepositional verbs (Intermediate)
Prepositions used with adverbs and participles (Intermediate)

Basic exercises for Basic:

52 sentences Prepositions of time, by Irina
Find this and other prepositions exercises in English Exercises .org
127 sentences to practice PREPOSITIONS OF TIME, by Irina
Find this and other prepositions exercises in English Exercises .org
Find this and other prepositions exercises in English Exercises .org

Here's a good advert to practise some prepositions

For more Youtube videos about prepositions, please feel free to click on here.

Thursday 15 November 2012

English through sketches

In this section you'll find all the sketches used in class, together with some other resources to get the most of all your theatre talents on stage. So, off we go and let's act those sketches out all day long. 

And now it's time for the students:

    • Congratulations, Berta from Basic 1. What a great job! Here are your three sketches below:
      One more time, please!

    Tuesday 13 November 2012

    Listening to English

    English can be music to your ears. That's just a question of practice and dedication. This does take a lot time and the more you do it, the better for you.

    So, there's no time to lose and let's get it started.

    Basic 1: 
    Listening practice 1, KET TESTS for Basic 1 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5), Exam Practice for Basic 1

    Listening practice for EOI Basic 1

    Basic 2: 
    Listening practice 1, An Estate Agent (houses), Fearless Felix (WorksheetAudioTranscription _Success & Past tenses), India,

    Galician EOI listening exam 2008 (Audio: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Answers)

    Listening exam - Navarra_Tudela (Audio: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3, Answers

    Listening EOI TEST from Madrid: Task 1, Task 2, Task 3 (Audio:Task 1, Task 2, Task 3Answers)