
Friday 30 November 2012


A Riddle is acertijo or adivinanza in Spanish.

So, today's post is

 about some simple Riddles for Basic 1.

This is our first class Riddle:
        It has two wheels
        It has no motor
        It has a saddle
        What's that?

And what about yours? Do you know any Riddle? If you do, please leave a comment, telling us about your Riddles. Thank you for your contributions.

Youtube Riddles.

For more Riddles, please click on here. 



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Yes, they are very easy. Who knows the answers? Thank you very much, Isabel. Your riddles are great! Any more riddles?

  2. I´ve got two riddles, I think they´re very easy, aren´t they?

    1st. I have teeth but I can´t eat
    Who am I?

    2nd. What has 4 legs in the morning, 2 legs at midday and 3 legs in the evening?

    1st. comb (garlic's parts in English aren't called 'teeth', which is the name in Spanish)
    2nd. persons (4 legs when they are babies crawling, 2 legs when they start walking and 3 legs when they are old and need to use a walking stick)

    1. Thank you very much, Isabel. You have even corrected the last comment on your own. Wow! What a good student you are! That's nice. You could also send some more riddles to my e-mail address, so that we could add them to this blog post and I'll include their solutions in a separated document with a link. Well, that's up to you. Thanks so much anyway.

  3. It whistles without mouth
    It runs without feets
    It gives at your face
    and you don´t sees him.
    What's that?

    1. Very good one, Ana. Simple and nice. I know the answer, but I just wanna anybody else to write the solution with a comment below. Thank you very much indeed for your Riddle.

  4. her mother is stammer, her father is a good singing. She has a white dress and a yellow heart

    1. Oh, this is a difficult one, isn't it? Any clues? Thank you Julio.

    2. I belive that I know the answer. It´s the hen, the cock and the chicken, isn´t?.

    3. I think so, Ana! The hen, the rooster and the........With fried patatoes it´s delicious!!

    4. That's.....CORRECT! Well-done. Any more riddles?

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you for the clue. I know the answer, but I just wanna you all, learners of English to have a go and try to guess Julio's Riddle. Thank you all so much and please keep comments going on like that. Bye for now


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